Listen Carefully

0 People LOL

There was this fellow who got tired of living in the city and decided that he wanted to live in Alaska as an Eskimo, so he ventured out into the great unknown.

After a week he found a tribe and approached the chief proclaiming that he wanted to be an Eskimo. The chief thinking that the guy had lost all sense of reality, told the man,

"Okay - first you must drink 10 gallons of homemade rot gut whiskey all at a time with no food or breaks. Then you must go out barehanded and kill a polar bear. Completing that, you must return here, and find the oldest, ugliest, dirtiest female in the tribe and make passionate love to her all night long."

The man agreed and drank all the whiskey, then set off into the frozen wasteland. The chief figures he's gone for good.

Two days later the man returns. He's a disfigured mess with his clothes practically gone, and great, gaping wounds. There is not a spot on his body that is not mauled nearly to the bone.

He staggers to the chief and says, "Now where's that woman you wanted me to kill?"

What next?

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